Digital Editions training

This course is for anyone interested in creating digital editions, whether students, researchers or library staff. Participants in this course create their own digital editions of out-of-copyright texts. The completed editions are deposited in ORA-data for long-term preservation and reuse, as well as being published on the Taylor Editions website.

As well as in-person courses, advertised separately, all sessions are available online. While you can do them at any time, they have been designed around the 8-week term, and you are strongly encouraged to do one session each week. Registration is not required for the online course.

Hands-on sessions cover:

  • beginner’s TEI-encoding
  • creating digital images in a range of ways, using equipment available in the library
  • transcription principles
  • introduction to issues relevant to digital projects such as preservation, metadata, delivery, and dissemination.

Participants will create their own digital editions – more information:

Attendance is open to any Oxford University staff and students, and registration is required. Please sign up here: